Noticed tiny patches of green Algae all over the glass this morning
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wonder if having several jars of Algae growing next to the tank seeded it ?
jars of Algae.jpg (82.81 KiB) Viewed 10547 times
Thought I'd do an API water test and add to the log :-
195gm Marine Salt = SG 1012
Water @ 75*F
API ph test = 7.8
16/2/18 --------- 5ml API Quick Start
19/2/18 ---------- x10 drops Ammonium Chloride
API Ammonia test = 2 ppm
API Ammonia test = 1 ppm
API Ammonia test = 1 ppm
API Ammonia test = 0.50 ppm
API Nitrite test = 0.50 ppm
I think the Nitrates have started as well, though not pale orange they're darker than the last pale yellow 3 days ago.
Nitrate 28 & 3.jpg (19.64 KiB) Viewed 10547 times
I think I'll add x10 drops of Ammonium Chloride tomorrow, or would you wait till Ammonia 0 ?