
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

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 #4781  by QDanT
on Bio load :- just over a week ago I set up x2 identical 11 Litre Nano tanks
same substrate, same Lava rocks, same water + API Tap Water Conditioner & API Quick Start, same Plant's one had three Zebra Danioes + two Ramshorn Snails
the other had one Bamboo Shrimp + two Ramshorn Snails
checked the water tonight :-
Bamboo Shrimp - Ammonia = 0 - Nitrite = 0
Zebra Danioes - Ammonia = 0 - Nitrite = 0
here's the Observation guess the Shrimp has a far smaller Bio load
Bamboo Zebras.jpg
Bamboo Zebras.jpg (48.03 KiB) Viewed 7626 times
4.jpg (77.13 KiB) Viewed 7626 times
 #4782  by odin
Oh yeah fish produce a fair amount.
 #4783  by opae ula related
QDanT wrote:on Bio load :- just over a week ago I set up x2 identical 11 Litre Nano tanks
same substrate, same Lava rocks, same water + API Tap Water Conditioner & API Quick Start, same Plant's one had three Zebra Danioes + two Ramshorn Snails
the other had one Bamboo Shrimp + two Ramshorn Snails
checked the water tonight :-
Bamboo Shrimp - Ammonia = 0 - Nitrite = 0
Zebra Danioes - Ammonia = 0 - Nitrite = 0
here's the Observation guess the Shrimp has a far smaller Bio load
Sounds right. Fish produce more waste and 3 of them