
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #5647  by opae ula related

So you are also keeping some lohena? The live brine shrimp caused the highest rate of berrying. Almost every week, one of the 5 lohena females berried when I fed them once a week.[/quote]

Cool. Yeah since summer 2016. Thought you knew. I was able to record a live molting.
 #5655  by Algae In Space
opae ula related wrote: 07 Nov 2018 23:06
Algae In Space wrote: 06 Nov 2018 22:12
odin wrote: 06 Nov 2018 21:59 Here is when i set up their tank.. it has changed a lot since so i need to update the topic: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79

I have around 20 i think? I have had them for around 2.5 year i believe, They get around 4 times as big as Opae ula shrimp and their tank is the same as my Opae ula tanks, same salinity and temp etc.. no filters and i'm not sure how long they live for so i will have to document this as i go along :smile: :smile:

4 times as big :what: :cool: :omg: :upsidedown:

Ok. I thought you might use a filter because you feed em?!

They have such mega claws!! Do they really get bigger as in the image?

you can see the claws in this video.

Oh yeah very cool! They seem so massive compared to the regular opaes! Do you know if they catch opaes as prey??
 #5656  by opae ula related
Algae In Space wrote:
opae ula related wrote: 07 Nov 2018 23:06
Algae In Space wrote: 06 Nov 2018 22:12
4 times as big :what: :cool: :omg: :upsidedown:

Ok. I thought you might use a filter because you feed em?!

They have such mega claws!! Do they really get bigger as in the image?

you can see the claws in this video.

Oh yeah very cool! They seem so massive compared to the regular opaes! Do you know if they catch opaes as prey??
I have them together in one tank and they don’t catch the grown ups but they do catch the Opae Ula larva :(
 #5657  by opae ula related
Beano wrote:Cool. Yeah since summer 2016. Thought you knew. I was able to record a live molting.
That’s cool. Any luck in raising up a young lohena?[/quote]

Nope. I bet if you lived in Hawaii you would have success :)
 #5662  by opae ula related
Algae In Space wrote:
I have them together in one tank and they don’t catch the grown ups but they do catch the Opae Ula larva :(

Damn those Alphas are mean :what: They even eat their own kiddos as Odin said. What's the deal!
It is common with other animals too.
https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/gory-d ... lism-facts
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