
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Share photos/videos, journals and logs for your Opae ula tank setups for others to read.
 #734  by odin
I've setup a small 10 litre tank to quarantine some Zebra nerite snails that i have ordered, I'm hoping to get them from their freshwater to brackish.

• 10 litre plastic tank
• Aquaone nano LED light
• Superfish nano heater
• Caribsea crushed coral substrate
• Instant ocean marine salt
• RO water

Photo 19-06-2016, 15 17 43.jpg
Photo 19-06-2016, 15 17 43.jpg (223.81 KiB) Viewed 11415 times
Photo 19-06-2016, 15 17 56.jpg
Photo 19-06-2016, 15 17 56.jpg (257.76 KiB) Viewed 11415 times
 #736  by odin
opae ula related wrote:Looks nice esp. for plastic too.

Its just going to have odds and sods in it mainly :grin2: Im thinking Glass for the marine larvae tank though!