Ok, as promised, this is what the mangroves look like now (freshwater tank, but should actually do a bit better in brackish. Flowering plant is one in the same family as African violets). I know most folks use small tanks, so I doubt you'd fit more than one per.
Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 14:34
by odin
'Batophora oerstedi' is apparently another plant/algae that can survive in brackish conditions:
University of Michigan
Catalog #: 678864
Occurrence ID (GUID): f8cf9567-3b11-404d-b4e9-9acef82d1940
Taxon: Batophora oerstedii J.Agardh
Family: Dasycladaceae
Collector: Albert J. Bernatowicz 51-864
Date: 05 February 1951
Locality: Bermuda, Emily Bay, south side of Saint David Island
32.370233 -64.671492 +-148m
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Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 15:36
by opae ula related
Nice find!
Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:14 Aug 2017 17:57
by opae ula related
This breeder has these mosses in his tank - Java, Susswassertang, and some Anchor
I have Samolus valerandi aka Water pinpernel or Brookweed growing really good in my Neocaridina shrimptank I could try it with the Opaes and see
Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:26 Jan 2019 05:26
by opae ula related
Arnold wrote:I have Samolus valerandi aka Water pinpernel or Brookweed growing really good in my Neocaridina shrimptank I could try it with the Opaes and see
Is this a picture of your tank?
Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:26 Jan 2019 17:29
by Algae In Space
I wish you luck. My Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine' didn't last long.
Re: Brackish Plants
PostPosted:26 Jan 2019 23:02
by Arnold
No that foto its from the net, behind that gigantic Nymphaea stellata bulb you can see some of my Samolus, they grow really well for me