
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #8906  by JoeG
Opae ula related it looks like the same algae. Any name for it? Did it eventually spread to the rocks and glass? Sometimes mine will break loose from a rock and roll like a tumbleweed across the tank. The shrimp seem to like it.
 #8908  by opae ula related
JoeG wrote:Opae ula related it looks like the same algae. Any name for it? Did it eventually spread to the rocks and glass? Sometimes mine will break loose from a rock and roll like a tumbleweed across the tank. The shrimp seem to like it.
No I don’t know the name. I re-did the tank and have it to a family member. I recall it did spread to the gravel but not the glass.