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Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:02 Apr 2017 16:57
by odin
I have never tried the freshwater marimo mossballs but from what i have seen they dont do very well in brackish waters.

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:05 Apr 2017 14:04
by Suisho
Anyone know how to increase pH level?
I am setting up new tank but the pH is only 6.8 :dead:

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:05 Apr 2017 18:41
by odin
Crushed coral is a great way.

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:07 Apr 2017 02:29
by opae ula related

Here is a reference piece I keep on my phone.

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:14 Apr 2017 16:57
by Suisho
opae ula related wrote:
7bcd4a798befd3c67748ce70e2a49571.jpg (63.36 KiB) Viewed 11541 times

Here is a reference piece I keep on my phone.
Thank you. I manage to increase the PH to 8.
But i saw all the shrimp hide. They don't swim out.. :upset:
It started to have algae on the side of the tank. Today i just added biodigest to this renew tank.

When can i add 1 more vital?

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:14 Apr 2017 17:09
by odin
Suisho wrote:
opae ula related wrote:
7bcd4a798befd3c67748ce70e2a49571.jpg (58.49 KiB) Viewed 11531 times
Here is a reference piece I keep on my phone.
Thank you. I manage to increase the PH to 8.
But i saw all the shrimp hide. They don't swim out.. :upset:
It started to have algae on the side of the tank. Today i just added biodigest to this renew tank.

When can i add 1 more vital?
You can dose every 2 weeks with the biodigest but be aware it will reduce algae growth too and that is the shrimps food source.

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 17:52
by Suisho
One question, do i need to perform water change every half a year?
I realised the 1st tank is full of shrimp wastes.

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 17:56
by odin
Test your water with a liquid test kit and measure the Nitrate levels, if its above 10ppm then you can go ahead and change some of the water. You can syphon out some poop while you are at it (this sucks the poop/dirt out while pulling water out of the tank). If your water is healthy then i wouldn't worry about water changes.

You can read about water quality in one of my guides: page/water-quality?sid=f94a264a91c3fd1a46f4b51523eec3d2

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 18:24
by Suisho
odin wrote:Test your water with a liquid test kit and measure the Nitrate levels, if its above 10ppm then you can go ahead and change some of the water. You can syphon out some poop while you are at it (this sucks the poop/dirt out while pulling water out of the tank). If your water is healthy then i wouldn't worry about water changes.

You can read about water quality in one of my guides: page/water-quality?sid=f94a264a91c3fd1a46f4b51523eec3d2
Lately the No3 start to went up in my 1st tank. I could see alots of green algae on the window.
But i still see 2 berries shrimp, so i quite worry of water change might be disturbance to them. :omg:

Re: 2 year old tank

PostPosted:15 Apr 2017 18:26
by odin
How often do you feed the tank? what sort of food and what quantity?