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Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:21 Sep 2019 17:58
by tzg
@Vorteil, thanks, i have bought the powder and feed it daily but with small qty and light for 12hrs, if algae dont grow in 2 weeks, i will feed more and hope to see algae soon. =)
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:22 Sep 2019 07:01
by Vorteil
I would feed maybe 2x a week to start. How many do you have in there?
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:22 Sep 2019 13:28
by tzg
i have about 70-90 of them there, i feed it daily for now hoping to see algae soon. Btw, i have mixed the powder with the tank water into a container and realized i mixed too much, can the excess solution be used tmr or day after?
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:22 Sep 2019 20:52
by Vorteil
I would not take a chance. Dump it.
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:23 Sep 2019 01:22
by Owlbit
I wouldn't use anything but fresh mix from powder. Not worth polluting the tank accidentally. Also, more is not better. If you over feed your system with shrimp in it and end up spiking the ammonia and starting a chain reaction of death. Slow and steady wins the race when you have shrimps in the tank. I only did heavy feeding on empty tanks that were being cycled and had no snails or shrimps in it.
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:23 Sep 2019 07:41
by tzg
ok thanks @Vorteil, and @Owlbit, .
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:17 Feb 2020 15:35
by tzg
It has been a long time since the last update, i bought some spirulina powder and feed the tank daily, after a month or two, algae grew but still not to the extent i wished for and the algae growth is stagnant like that for a long time and so i stopped feeding.
Tank had stopped breeding for a long time but recently it's on a breeding spree, prior to this more than 30 floaters in the tank, i already had a batch of 10-20s floaters which had already became juveniles. Currently i still have 2 more berried shrimps.
Guess the tank is stable and good now!
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:17 Feb 2020 18:08
by opae ula related
Wahoo! Nice
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:18 Feb 2020 05:44
by tzg
yes, like finally my tank is booming, just this batch of floaters would increase my population by about 30% and i still have 2 berried opaes. Sad that the tank is too small, will upgrade them to a luxury bunglow once i move house in a year time
Re: New Tank II
PostPosted:19 Feb 2020 20:27
by odin
Sounds good, the bigger the tank the better they breed.