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Fanning while stationary/eating?

PostPosted:08 Feb 2017 17:13
by Opaeforms
Is this a normal behavior for a non berried shrimp? :huh:

Re: Fanning while stationary/eating?

PostPosted:08 Feb 2017 19:37
by odin
Opaeforms wrote:Is this a normal behavior for a non berried shrimp? :huh:

Yup the Opae ula shrimp will fan their swimming legs during their everyday behaviour, i've noticed that sometimes they will fan their legs and they will stay fanned out and i *think* this is linked to maybe becoming berried sooner or later.

Re: Fanning while stationary/eating?

PostPosted:09 Feb 2017 09:48
by Opaeforms
Cool, thanks Odin. Wasn't sure if it could be a bad sign.