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Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 13:34
by Opae157
HI can I feed Dr. Bassleer Biofish flakes? Is it suitable for them? Or what flakes or wafer or pellets should I get to feed my opaes? I have got only 5 but like I would like to feed them like once a month?
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 13:34
by Opae157
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 14:16
by odin
Do you have a link or photo of the ingredients?
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 15:10
by Opae157
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 15:29
by Opae157
I haven't bought anything yet but want to buy something and then after a month drop it in for them to eat and see them eat hahaha I only have 5 of them though so what type should I get so that don't over feed and contaminate my tank
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 17:16
by opae ula related
For a small tank Spirulina Powder sparlingly would be best. How long you had the tank for? No algae growth?
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 22:22
by odin
I agree with @opae ula related on the Spirulina powder, this is all i feed mine and have had no issues.
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 23:00
by Opae157
Noted thanks guys
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:31 May 2018 23:13
by Vorteil
If you must feed...
Re: Can opae ula eat Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food?
PostPosted:01 Jun 2018 01:44
by Opae157
@Vorteil noted. Thanks 😊