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 #5834  by Algae In Space
How many copepods do you have in your tanks?

Funny how mine are multiplying rapidly lately. Sadly I don't have a macro lens or microscope to see what they are exactly. They are the below one mm kind. I hope the population does not explode. Do you know what the main causes for copepods in a tank are? In my case it might be the algae balls.

I understand the business about a healthy tank and them being no threat to anything and the benefits and so on but they don't have natural predators in the Opae tank. Have you experienced them getting "out of control"?

 #5837  by opae ula related
Algae In Space wrote:How many copepods do you have in your tanks?

Funny how mine are multiplying rapidly lately. Sadly I don't have a macro lens or microscope to see what they are exactly. They are the below one mm kind. I hope the population does not explode. Do you know what the main causes for copepods in a tank are? In my case it might be the algae balls.

I understand the business about a healthy tank and them being no threat to anything and the benefits and so on but they don't have natural predators in the Opae tank. Have you experienced them getting "out of control"?

Like these? The population went down for my tanks on it’s own.

 #5841  by opae ula related
Algae In Space wrote:Yeah, they look like these. But mine are kind of thin. Like mini rods. But there are so many kinds :grin3:

Nice find.

Jump to 30 sec mark for a closeup of one. Can’t match to one in your pic though. Can see two black eyes and more round....

 #5842  by odin
I had a huge amount of these that hang around near the waters surface and are attracted to light but as @opae ula related mentioned they do slowly stop reproducing in such numbers eventually.
 #5843  by Algae In Space
Interesting! I also may have different kinds... There are rounder ones and stick like ones.

Now I miss the microscope I had as a kid :laugh:
 #5849  by Algae In Space
odin wrote: 19 Nov 2018 13:37 Looks like what i had once: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=155&p=2967&hilit=copepods#p2967

You wrote:

I'm not sure, mine just appeared after a while and they seem to grow and have a population boom then die down again and after a while all come back. I've noticed in my larvae tank there are some little white creatures that are different to the ones in the videos here and they don't seem to be attracted to light but rather just move around freely on the tank walls. They are slightly larger and move in short bursts almost like a badly filmed stop motion production :smile: I will try and capture some on camera.

Exactly like mine. I read that the adult ones live in the substrate! That could be the reason why one thinks they disappear and come again (as larvae) in the light?
 #5850  by odin
They all disappeared after a while and never came back so i am not sure :smile: