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Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:10 Jun 2019 20:49
by Vorteil
The weather here is starting to heat up. Today's 83 degrees. A bit too high for my freshwater Neocaridina & Caridina shrimp. I decided to use my CoolWorks IceProbe to lower the temps. I bought these used off of eBay. I would idealy like to be around 74 degrees but I think it will only lower it 3-4 degrees in a 10 gallon tank. I tried this on my 5 gallon tank last year and it worked great. That was in the winter. I plan to turn the lights on at 6pm. I know the opae can take the heat but the FW shrimps need to be in the 70's. I still would prefer my opae to be at or around 74 degrees.

Now the manufacturer states:
"A single IceProbe can cool 10 gallons of water 6-8F below ambient air temperature in a standard aquarium. Multiple IceProbes can be used in a single aquarium to achieve higher temperature differentials".
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and off at 2am.
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Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:11 Jun 2019 00:19
by opae ula related

No kidding, we need a chiller for us humans!

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:11 Jun 2019 06:52
by Vorteil
Yeah it weather ended up at 93 but I was able to keep the tanks with the chiller at 76 and the rest were around 80.

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:11 Jun 2019 09:33
by Algae In Space
Opae really like it warm :cool: Mine start to be more active now that the water has 26 C from ca. 23 C.

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:12 Jun 2019 18:33
by Vorteil
I would prefer mine to be at 23c/73 degrees. That's about where mine has been. Now the tanks are at about 27c/81 degrees now. The two that have the Iceprobe cooler are at 23c/73 degrees which is perfect. It took around 24hrs to bring the temps down.

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:12 Jun 2019 18:38
by Algae In Space
Well... mine rose to 28 today :what: I am not worried about Opae Ula at all. But the snails might cook :ninja:

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:12 Jun 2019 21:48
by Vorteil
Overall I never worry about the adualt opae. I've had an outside tank get up to 96 degress without any deaths. Granted it was only for a day. I've never had any issues with adults in any of my tanks. The bebies well that's a different story.

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:28 Jun 2019 21:51
by odin
I'm running a small tank in a down stairs room in my house and its sat at around 20 - 21deg C which is pretty good.. no heater needed but we are due a heat wave this weekend so it will be interesting to see how that goes.

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:29 Jun 2019 04:51
by Vorteil
Any babies in there?

Re: Starting To Heat Up Here

PostPosted:29 Jun 2019 06:05
by opae ula related
odin wrote:I'm running a small tank in a down stairs room in my house and its sat at around 20 - 21deg C which is pretty good.. no heater needed but we are due a heat wave this weekend so it will be interesting to see how that goes.
France hit 113 f ! Damn that is hot! ... fahrenheit