Marks Shrimp Tanks
PostPosted:31 Aug 2019 20:21
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread.
Looks like Mark (from: Marks Shrimp Tanks over on youtube) has got himself 10 Opae - see first few mins of:
If his Opae are anything like mine in tanks 2 and 3+4 he'll be waiting a year or so before any breading start.
Unless he's got some from @odin - once they settle in they'll be breeding in a few months.
Looks like Mark (from: Marks Shrimp Tanks over on youtube) has got himself 10 Opae - see first few mins of:
If his Opae are anything like mine in tanks 2 and 3+4 he'll be waiting a year or so before any breading start.
Unless he's got some from @odin - once they settle in they'll be breeding in a few months.