I had my tiger nerite for maybe 7 months now and I am worried about him (maybe her, but will just say him for consistency). Doesn't seem old to me, but I also don't know how old he was when I got him. He isn't eating as well the past month as he has previously. I used to see lots of teeth tracks all over the glass, but now there is more algae biofilm build up than normal. His poop is light green/brown sloppy and loose (yeah gross, but don't know how else to explain it). His activity is also very little. Should I worry that he is dying or getting old or maybe sick? If he does die, I am worried that he would pollute my 2.5g tank. Right now I don't see him at all, which is why I wrote this post. Normally he is out and about, but lately he has been hiding under his cubes (fave spot) instead of being on the glass or rocks cruising. Should I rehome him to a tank he is less likely to cause a crash in and acclimate one of my tiger nerite snails I have in my freshwater tank?