2.5 Gallon Shrimp Tank
PostPosted:09 Oct 2020 00:29
by Kurai61
I got some shrimp from Vorteil recently!
Re: 2.5 Gallon Shrimp Tank
PostPosted:09 Oct 2020 03:33
by opae ula related
Kurai61 wrote:I got some shrimp from Vorteil recently!
Nice. Is that a filter back there?
Re: 2.5 Gallon Shrimp Tank
PostPosted:09 Oct 2020 04:53
by Kurai61
Thank you @Opae ula related; and yes it is a sponge filter. By the time I got advice to not put established freshwater gravel in the tank, I’ve already done so without washing the gravel and set things in. So I bought a filter to use for the first few weeks, and I turn it off at night so they get a break. I’ve also seen this particular sponge filter here in a thread when someone really wanted to put a sponge filter in here lol so I figured it would be fine.
Re: 2.5 Gallon Shrimp Tank
PostPosted:10 Oct 2020 09:21
by odin
We are all free to do as we wish but I find they just take up valuable tank space
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