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Starting Over
PostPosted:12 Jan 2021 05:44
by Shrimpin
Had many deaths in my first set up. I was writing a journal about the first try on the other site (in America) but I didn’t get much advice so hoping to hea
r more feedback sharing my second try on this UK forum.
After grieving the loss of all my first set, I’ve taken everything out - including every morsel of sand so I’m hoping whatever contaminant killed the first batch of shrimp the second batch that I’ve yet to receive will fare better.
Laying down new Argonite sand and the black rock purchased from the other site mentioned above.
Can anyone comment if this sand is a good substrate to use?
AQUANATURAL Oolitic Aragonite 10lb Aquarium Sand for Reef, Saltwater and Marine Tanks and Aquariums ... 41dafe.jpg[/IMG]
Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:12 Jan 2021 06:24
by odin
Hey there! Sounds like a good plan to start over, that sand will be fine for your tank :)
Did you have a lid on your tank?
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Starting Over
PostPosted:12 Jan 2021 13:35
by Shrimpin
Hi, yes I had a lid that covered over 80% of the top. There are some holes left to allow for electrical wires in the aquarium design though. I’ve also made sure the person who helps keep the house straight only uses vinegar and water to wipe-clean around the tank area. So there shouldn’t have been any glass cleaning chemicals that got into the tank.
As for the two ceramic decorations that can be seen in my avatar (or profile pic) I’ve taken those out also. Although they are sealed with glaze, there’s some little pieces that fall off and perhaps the shrimps ate it since I saw one of them on their back with the little legs moving in a spasm. This I read is a sign of poisoning.
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Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:12 Jan 2021 15:08
by odin
I would start again but only have the basics in the tank to start out and add things one after another so if you do get issues you can identify it and remove it.
Starting Over
PostPosted:12 Jan 2021 22:05
by Shrimpin
odin wrote:I would start again but only have the basics in the tank to start out and add things one after another so if you do get issues you can identify it and remove it.
Thanks I think that’s a wise approach. I’ll do the minimal for design. Some coral rocks and argonite shells. The house is ceramic and is unpainted so it’s safe. Then the “plants” purchased from the other website aforementioned, the macro algae and mini green ball.
Pic where The salt hasn’t settled yet. Or maybe it’s the sand storm from the new substrate. Included new pic where the salty cloudiness cleared up. I cheated and used a nano tank filter to speed up the settling of the sand. I know there’s a no-filter advice for keeping these little guys but for tank set up (without shrimp), it’s so useful.
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Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:13 Jan 2021 14:22
by Shrimpin
They’ve arrived. Is this white cloudiness in their color a signal the water is not to their liking?
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Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:13 Jan 2021 15:08
by odin
It can be for a number of reasons, it could simply be that the vendors water parameters are different to yours and they will need time to adapt.
Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:13 Jan 2021 15:54
by Shrimpin
Okay thanks Odin. So if they turn red that means they’ve adapted. But if they stay this white ghost color then they may die. Should I wait to give them a speck of spirulina? Maybe if they have some nutrients they can be stronger to adapt?
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Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:13 Jan 2021 16:27
by Johnny Max
I have learned to be VERY careful with handling the spirulina powder or everything on my desk will be green including my fingers!
Re: Starting Over
PostPosted:13 Jan 2021 17:10
by Shrimpin
Haha Johnny thanks for the warning. I’ve actually put this stuff into my protein shake to try as it is made for human consumption and it tasted like drinking a swamp.
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