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Feeding larvae

PostPosted:07 Feb 2021 19:39
by solomalawi.
Hello everyone, I did not understand if the larvae need to be fed the first weeks of life, if so with what?

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Re: Feeding larvae

PostPosted:07 Feb 2021 20:33
by odin
Hi there! You don’t need to feed or do anything, they carry food in their yolk sac so nothing needs to be added! :wink:

Re: Feeding larvae

PostPosted:07 Feb 2021 20:36
by solomalawi.
odin wrote:Hi there! You don’t need to feed or do anything, they carry food in their yolk sac so nothing needs to be added! :wink:
Ok thanks

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Re: Feeding larvae

PostPosted:01 Mar 2021 08:35
by solomalawi.
odin wrote:Hi there! You don’t need to feed or do anything, they carry food in their yolk sac so nothing needs to be added! :wink:
How many days do the eggs take before releasing them?

Inviato dal mio SNE-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk

Re: Feeding larvae

PostPosted:10 Mar 2021 19:08
by odin